Lighting Industry News Good for LED Sales Reps

The LED lighting industry is an interesting one, with LED sales reps seeing news stories, whether due to better pricing or new regulations, as lighting is in the energy consumption market subject to standards that change every few years, if not each year. In the case of LEDs, many of these changes are favorable. As regulations increase demand for energy-efficient lighting, the LED lighting industry finds more customers.

New Lighting Regulations

In January of 2014, the latest set of regulations took effect, aimed at reducing usage of the simple white light bulbs we remember from our youth, the 40 and 60-watt incandescent bulbs. These regulations were originally passed as part of the Energy Efficiency and Security Act of 2007 and finally rolled out as part of a staggering set of regulations. These bulbs must now be 25% more efficient. A 60-watt bulb must use no more than 43 watts and a 40-watt bulb no more than 29.

This is a huge development in LED lighting news, as the 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs make up about 80% of incandescents. For businesses this squeeze on traditional light bulbs will lead to them more seriously considering a LED retrofit of their current lighting setup. It also means that figuring out How to Find Great LED Sales Reps will increase in importance even more.

Research on ROI of LED Lights

Lighting retrofits are making progressively more sense for businesses. According to research from Navigant, LED lighting can yield a return on investment in 2 to 3 years, and the local, state, and national incentives that can accompany such a project can short the ROI timeframe to as little as six months.

The ROI in question is often a big number, too, and for good reason. At a retail store electric lighting generally accounts for about 22% of total energy use. Consider that a lighting retrofit can save up to 30 to 50 percent in terms of lighting energy, and 10 to 20 percent in terms of cooling energy, and you are looking at significant savings in a commercial enterprise’s budget.

LED Sales Reps Enjoy the Future of Lighting

With all signs pointing to a very LED lighting friendly future, LED sales reps may want to read our guide, “How to Find Independent LED Lighting Sales Rep Opportunities.” LED lighting news is taking over the lighting industry, and there’s never been a better time to be part of it.

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